Friday, November 12, 2010

Visual, music & Country

Details magazine made my eyes pop when I stumbled upon an old June/July edition featuring St. Louie born artist Erika Iris Simmons. Her "Ghost In The Machine" series are simply amazing. Since her debut in 2008, Erika has found a creatively enticing way to merge pop culture, conceptual art & craftiness. While at the same time recycling once important cassette tapes and film reels.
"The times they ARE a-changin" for sure.

I love the African spray painted tape to coordinate with the Peace Master Rasta himself, Bob Marley.

Oh Fred Astaire! You gotta love a man that has moves. With beautiful Ginger Rogers dancing out of an old 8mm film reel.

Sir Duke Ellington! :)

Beethoven. Erika actually tried keeping much of the notes in tact, so you can still read portions of it in his hair, face & jacket.

Simmons also does custom work for people and will include any object that coincides with the portrait that she's doing. A custom job will run you about $1200 and up. 'But every case is different' as she puts it. An average cassette tape portrait 16x20 inches goes for around $1800 and take nearly 2 weeks to create. The price and the wait is worth it if you ask me though. The work is deeply impressive and to have a personal one of yourself and/or a loved one would just be literally stunning