Monday, January 31, 2011


Fermented grapes are lovely. Simply the smooth most calming buzz one can achieve. Monday nights can call for such an expression of emotion, as can any night of the week. In my personal opinion Mondays are by far the worst. Usually always starting with a series of unfortunate events proceeded by lots of assholes and pretentious, tightly wound douche-bags.

That being said; When an engaging crisp bottle of Pinot Grigio awaits upon the opposite side of the room, you must entertain it. " 'You must entertain it', said the drunken fairy."
It's an intoxicating high that heightens your senses without disabling your mind. I've always
teetered on the realization of being a Wine-O but never delve very deep. Tonight's dish was absolutely delectable. Shrimp and white wine. Yum. Me.
I asked fellow comrades to comment on their direct connection and admiration for the bountiful fruity juice of the gods. When asked how she thought her life would be without the tasty succulent beverage, she searched her mind for the words that would suffice and said, "Without this wine I would be sober and therefore, I would have nothing to say. So thanks to the wine, you have a quote."
Kirby is a man of few words and he has graced us with nine. "If it weren't for wine, I wouldn't be drunk."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bricks Through The Snow

Putting emotions on ice, quite literally. Once it all thaws through, maybe things will be easier to read and not so cloudy as the day.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


"An intellectual is a person that's found one thing more interesting than sex."
--Aldous Huxley

"I don't know the question but sex is definitely the answer."
--Woody Allen

"Sex is an emotion, in motion."
--Mae West

"Sex relieves tension, love causes it."
--Woody Allen

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Philly Wit Wit Snow

Happy Snow Night/Day Philadelphia. Everyone deserves a snow day; at least three to up to sixteen... thousand per winter. :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

'Your Coffin Or Mine'

I'm beginning a small series of paintings featuring Zombie Lovers. I think I'm going to aim for 6 or 8 14x8 paintings. I started the sketch this morning and cannot wait to keep working on it. I will post pictures as I complete them.
This year isn't off to a bad start. The creativity & motivation is palpable.
"Before I start painting I have a slight ambiguous feeling: happiness is a special excitement because unhappiness is always possible a moment later." --Francis Bacon