Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Random Playlist Under 26 Songs

In no particular order. Just a mix that I threw together for the sake of Wednesday. And maybe a few that got left out, that deserve a chance. ;)

1. "Walkin & Swingin" --- Andy Kirk & His 12 Clouds Of Joy

2. "Smile Upon Me" --- Passion Pit

3. "Limelight" --- Rush

4. "Dig Up Her Bones" --- Misfits

5. "Attitude" --- Misfits

6. "Either Way" --- The Generationals

7. "A Girl Like You" --- Edwyn Collins

8. "Jenny" --- Stellastar**

9. "Wet Rainbow" --- Tipsy

10. "Crazy" --- Aerosmith

11. "Clavical" --- Alkaline Trio

12. "You've Got So Far To Go" --- Alkaline Trio

13. "Wild & Young" --- American Bang

14. "She Dominates" --- Blitzkid

15. "Teenage Necrophilian Love" --- Blitzkid

16. "This Modern Love" --- Bloc Party

17. "Stir It Up" --- Bob Marley

18. "Let Me Get What I Want" --- John Lennon

19. "There Is A Light" --- The Smiths

20. "Shake Me Down" --- Cage The Elephant

21. "Take Me Out" --- Atomic Tom

22. "Down, Set, Go" --- Underoath

23. "Heart Skipped A Beat" --- The xx

24. "Beat Your Heart Out" --- The Distillers

25. "Overkill" --- Collin Hay

The Almost in Under 10:

1. "For The Movies" --- Buckcherry

2. "Innocent" --- Fuel

3. "Hey Beautiful" --- The Solids

4. "Hang On Little Tomato" --- Pink Martini

5. "I'll Believe Anything" --- Wolf Parade

6. "Lua" --- Bright Eyes

7. "Elvis Fucking Christ" --- The Cramps

8. "Can't Hardly Wait" --- The Replacements

9. "Party Pit" --- The Hold Steady

10. "Jackass" --- Beck

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ut Oh

what the hell does it all mean?

Current Existance

Being a freshly new 26 year old I feel that nothing has changed drastically. Speaking of which:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wah wah wah wah

Clock stopped ticking, times run out
Whatever you're thinking, withhold or shout.
What the clock can't say, and time can't tell
the price we'll pay versus the price to sell.
Say what you will but it's all for the wicked
a price too wild and unfair for the ticket.

Enjoying The Pain Of A Memory

There are these moments in life that you look back on, and they never disappoint you by not making you smile. In that nostalgia you wish you could be there again. Smack dab in the middle of your memory. You wish you could feel it again. Be it again. You wish you hadn't lost whatever moment made your heart fly. You're also sad because it's gone. But it isn't lost. Just the simple fact that, that moment lives inside of you somewhere is proof enough that it isn't gone or lost.

Pictures make one of the best memories. It captures everything. The emotion, the surroundings, the smiles, tears or laughter. Some say the best sense of memory is smell. The amygdala is the olfactory bulb, (part of the brain), that connects scent to memory and also processes emotion. So smelling something can trigger a part of the brain that will transport you right back to that place and time in 2003. In my case, the smell of cucumber & melon teleports me to Barcelona, Spain, March of '06. Good year. Like a good wine. Quite funny because I buy my wine based on their years. :)

Either way.

I was just sitting here looking at the blank screen wondering what I should write about. As my mind did its own thing, I found myself back in the past. Reflecting.. and smiling. Coincedentally enough The Cure's "Pictures Of You" blared through my speakers and clicking away at the keys I did.

Random. Jibberish rubbish from yours truly.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kissing Raindrops

Regardless of how young the love, it's still very captivating. All of us single, and older, folks either watch in nostalgia or envy. But still... you can't deny the passion. The raging hormones and eager mouths. The affections that haven't been bruised. No one's all messed up in the head yet and the heart is scratch-free, like a brand new blank canvas. Just waiting for the paint.

Kissing in the rain is just so refreshing, yet steamy. Something about the tiny little cold wet drops that seem to sizzle as they bounce off your skin. The sound of trickling water flooding the ground around you and it being symbolic for a flooding of another sort. In a womans case anyway. It's definitely a seductive moment if experienced with the right person. And hell! Even a bad kiss in the rain could be hot, only for the added fact that the rain is included. A dry bad kiss, is simply just awkward.

Impulsive, spontaneous, 'I have to have you now' kind of kissing. Ohhh it's the most intense of them all. Especially if it's recipricated and especially if it's in the rain. Oh yum.
As cheesy and cliche' as it stands, Janet Jackson's "Anytime Anyplace" comes to my mind a lot when it's raining. I suppose because I was 9 when the song came out and the video was so erotic and intriguing it's premanently burned into my mind. It was raining in the video. At the very end, go figure. It still invades my mind when it rains. Me likey. *see blog post below*

In the mean time I will fill my brain with anticipation for when it's my turn to kiss in the rain. Hopefully sooner than later, but in the same mind, the longer the wait the better the experience.* I hope.
I can see it already. He'll be witty, of course, and he'll say something like, "I want to kiss you in the rain on the rainiest day of the year." Yeah. Yeah, that would be nice. I'm looking forward to that moment and I cannot wait!!
*certain cases do not apply.

Every Time It Rains

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bled White

Death; The final end of biological functions that sustain a living organism.

We've all been rocked with devastating news of the death of someone. Be it a family member, an asscociate, an old friend, or in some tragic cases, a very close friend.

Attempting to understand death comes hard for most people. Wrecking their brains for answers and coming up short every single time. And 'God has his reasons' isn't one of them. It's a part of the long list of unanswered questions that no one will ever get to the bottom of. At least no one that can live to tell it. So there is no certainty to any of this. We're all born alone, we all die alone. Everything in between is either all random acts of chaos or precisely planned out steps that not even we know or recognize. No one (or very, very few) remembers being born. So why is it so hard for us as humans to accept that it may be possible that we won't even remember death? I know why. It comes back to those silly unanswered questions.

See we already know how the baby gets in the belly and what happens to the baby after it's born. We know this to be true and factual. The mystery of after death is the scary part. No one knows the answers to that and therefore, people fear it. Rightfully so.

If I grew up with heaven & hell being a real place and the "fear of God" being instilled into my psyche, I'd too fear death like most people. But I don't see it through the same tinted glasses as most of the world. My main fear is of simply being forgotten. I mean, let's face it--unless you've made your mark in pop culture, invented something beneficial or become some form of President, you and everyone you know will in fact be forgotten eventually. Nothing to do about that but rock on and live your life the truest and happiest you can.

"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey."-Kenji Miyazawa
R.I.P. ny, payje & curits. at least you're all together.