Monday, January 28, 2013

I'm The Green Pea

Not one single gram of fuck shall be given today.
I can't really pin point what's going on with me today. Maybe it's the snow or how incredibly grey it is outside. Maybe it's just Monday. Maybe it's my anxious loins screaming to be unleashed. Or just a heavy case of the "fuck its" in general.

There's something about waiting or being in limbo that simply drives me nuts. Just wishing things could begin already. I'd like to consider myself a pretty patient person, but with nine toes out the door already,  I'm finding it rather difficult to hang on to my attention span with simple projects. Or anything for that matter. I've been more and more content with being left alone, often preferring it.

Sexually speaking, I feel like I could crush an 8-ball with my vagina. It's been a rather frustrating winter, with the person I love so many miles away, it's difficult pleasing the other the way we both would like. But soon that'll all change! And my green indifferent ways will become perky and yellow like a fully happy person should be*.

Just running a little thin currently is all.

*Metaphorically speaking, that is. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

East Moves West

So in my decision to relocate to sunny California, I've encountered some rather different opinions on the transition. I wanted to share a few of those comments and some I've discovered online. The who's who, what's what, stereotypes, Blue vs Red State and the all around differences of East and West Coasters.

So bring on the offensive and defensive, shall we...

"This coastal rivalry is far more than just Atlantic vs. Pacific. It’s Celtics vs. Lakers, Broadway vs. Hollywood. Biggie vs. Pac. And there’s no straddling the continental divide. You either face west towards the sunset or east towards the sunrise." -- Jascha Kaykaswolff

"I was born and raised in California. Started a business there in 1991. I moved east in 2010 and yes the differences are startling. Rugged individualism and laidback attitudes are not the norm by a long shot. Color inside the lines and everybody stay in uniform. The uniform is black by the way nobody wears color. But its all good. I may stand out at times but isn't that the point." -- C.L.

" I'm in NYC, and when I think of West Coasters (specifically California folk), I think of: blondes, "health food" diet trends, avocados and other "weird" food, fake boobs, fake tans, plastic surgery. Basically that "West Coasters" are all about the superficial, as opposed to "us New Yorkers" who are not. --thepinksuperhero

What's weird about avocados? --faintofbutt

I don't think it's the avocado that's perceived as weird, it's the quantity and frequency in which they appear in Californian cuisine. It seems true to me, but that's probably because I always ordered food with avocados when I was in California. Because they are awesome. --mullacc

A friend from CA actually described how some of his friends describe West Coasters as "avocado"- and then, when NYC friends move to CA, they'll rag on them for "going avocado"." --thepinksuperhero Message Boarders on

"I have a West Coast friend who is constantly annoyed by us uptight, snobby, anal, fun-hating East Coasters. Stereotypes of West Coasters are the same as ThePinkSuperhero said, with the addition that West Coasters are more liberal, more environmentally friendly, more hippie-crunchy-granola types, and more gay. So much more gay."

"East coast - pushy, rude, grumpy, but hard working and always on the go
West coast - laid back, kind, but sleep until noon"

"My favorite stereotype is that West Coasters walk more slowly than people from the northeast. Put someone from the northeast in a sitaution where he has to walk behind Californians and he'll tear his hair out."*

"I grew up in Southern California but went to school in Boston and lived in Manhattan for a few

The main difference, culturally, is that East coasters are much more class-conscious. This is reflected in the way they dress and their ambitions. There are a lot more "private clubs" and other social stratifications than on the West coast. You "know" when someone is wealther than you. Here on the West coast, the billionaire could be the guy in sandals eating across from you at the funky Thai food place.

East coasters walk fast (as mentioned above) They are always in a hurry. They are also straight with you - that is, if they don't like you, they'll tell you. Some might interpret this as rude, but personally I adore this frankness. West coasters are "nicer" on the surface but this can lead to a sort of passive-agressiveness and even hypocrisy in their dealings with others.

East coasters are much more neurotic in general. Almost any Woody Allen movie is soooo East coast to watch. His movies were incomprehensible to me as a young southern californian. When I moved to the East coast, I finally understood..

West coasters are much more New-Agey - embracing all sorts of health food trends. Yoga first caught hold over here. Massage therapists abound.

The West generally leads the nation in what's termed "informal culture." Movies are made here. Surfer-speak and Valley-girl speak started here and moved East.

The East leads the nation in "formal culture." Upscale designers live over there. The best literature, newspapers etc. all seem to be from the East coast."

"I've lived on the west coast my whole life. Living on the east coast scares me because the people seem so blunt and rude (rather than fake and backstabbing like in LA)."

 "There's too much sun already here in Philadelphia. I can only imagine how badly California's sun would rip at my soul." -- late, great Sunshine


All in all it seems like a lot of things I've already assumed and/or experienced while out in sunny California. Nothing I can't take on. I like to think I spend a lot of time in my own little world anyhow, so Cali shouldn't be too distracting. I'm such a blend of personalities already, what with the best pro-components of my Philadelphian blood, the sarcasm I've adopted over my years and the care-free living & compassion that Californians will agree with. Maybe I'll land on the scene and create a beautiful ripple effect, righting all the wrong stereotypes that East Coasters have misrepresented. Then again--a lot of what I've read wasn't too far off. I suppose I just never warmed up to rudeness, though, being frank and direct can be mistaken for that. Hmm.. interesting. 

I guess this one will just have to play out. Much like everything in life, we won't know the good or the bad until we get there. Though, I must say, I am VERY aware of the good**.. ;)

Whatever-the-case, here's to heading out West and not being stabbed by the Cholos*** or sinking with California!

*That would be me. I can't stand walking behind a slow Philadelphian, let alone the "walking dead" that will take place in Cali. I will break away. I will.


***A cholo is a term implying a Hispanic male that typically dresses in chinos (khahki pants), a wifebeater sleeveless tshirt or a flannel shirt with only the top buttoned, a hairnet, or with a bandana around the forehead, usually halfway down over the eyes. Cholos often have black ink tattoos, commonly involving Catholic imagery, or calligraphy messages or family names.  Cholos often drive low riders.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Actors & Actresses, Alive & Dead

I was posting a tweet about "Forrest Gump", with the hashtag #ilovetomhanks. Then I had this thought to mention all my other favorite actors. Of course, the branch of from that was to march right over to this keyboard and make a list of all of my favorite actors. As the list built in my head, I realized I couldn't fit all of my favorites into a list of 10 or less. There's simply too many. So what I decided to do was break them up into dead and alive, male and female. It's the only way. Here's what I came up with:
In no order whatsoever..


Tom Hanks
Bruce Willis
Johnny Depp
Sean Penn
Bill Murray
Robert Downey, Jr.
Denzel Washington
Jack Nicholson
Tommy Lee Jones
Dustin Hoffman


Diana Lane
Michelle Pheifer
Susan Sarandon
Anjelica Houston
Meryl Streep
Jessica Lange
Charlize Theron
Diane Keaton
Halle Berry
Cate Blanchett


James Cagney
Dennis Hopper
Patrick Swayze
Paul Newman
Clark Gable
Spencer Tracy
John Candy
Fred Astaire
Jack Lemmon
Walter Matthau


Grace Kelly
Anne Bancroft
Lauren Bacall
Audrey Hepburn
Greta Garbo
Katharine Hepburn
Vivien Leigh
Elizabeth Taylor
Ingrid Bergman
Bette Davis

Friday, January 11, 2013

Lushlife - "Magnolia"

This has got to be one of the coolest hip-hop videos I've seen in a while. Simple, other than the fact that this guy spent hours making these cardboard cut-outs. I really enjoy how raw it feels and the creativity and time it must've taken to make it. An example that if you invest time and patience, you too, can have a really fun product to show for it.



Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Catty Clams

You know I always found it funny how catty females can be. And it really is quite humorous. As if your silence, will send direct signals of your dislike for me and I'm going to scatter away with my tail between my legs. I don't give a thousand fucks about the way you or any of your "high school musical" friends feel towards me. You're pretentious, materialistic, fad-jumping, diet-taking, Anthropology-shopping, full of shit-having, hipster--but don't call me a hipster--wannabe, fake ass, stupid bitches.
I wish I could punch you in your Bare Minerals covered, time-wasting face!

Thank you for your eyes and your time.

That's all I have to say about that.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top 20 Song Discoveries of 2012

I'd like to begin my stating that my biggest discovery of 2012* is definitely my babylove, but musically I've been blessed with learning of such great sounds**. Sometimes it's easy to forget about new and upcoming, "hip" music--what with it changing every 5 minutes and all..

I tend to forget that there's music after 2005. What's on the radio, sure, I'm familiar with it. But I'm not even sure myself if I like it because it's beaten into my mind, or because I genuinely like it. Which is why I'm such a huge fan of making playlists for people***. A person, whether you know them or getting to know them, gives you a collection of songs they think you'll enjoy or they themselves enjoy, and you either get it or you don't. Was that a run-on? Ugh, I can't tell anymore. Either the music speaks to you or it goes over your radar. And it's as simple as that.

If you get it, then you're opened up to a whole new artist or group, band--what have you. A whole new album or string of albums. And who knows, maybe even an entire new genre!

If you don't get it, well, you continue to stay and live in your own drab existence of the same old melodic bullshit. Not that it's bullshit completely, but it's safe and typical****. Of yourself, that is.. ha! And where's the fun in that? No growth? No experimenting? No... expansion? Bleh. No fun!! Is what that is. But back to the fun part of 'getting it'----

If your ears love what they hear once they're graced with new music, it can become a precedent for that moment or that year. The same way certain parts of your life can have smells. A song can transport you right back to a place and time, to a special moment or series of events. So in the height of my amazing year, I wanted to reflect a bit and give you/myself a run down on my top 20 musical discoveries of 2012. I'm SURE I'm leaving out some artists*****. And I even cheated a bit by doubling up on songs. So... there it is:

1. Friendly Driver - "You're A Legend, Sir"

2. For The Foxes - "Where The Heartache Is" // "Moonlight Ride"

3. The Front Bottoms - "Maps" // "Flashlight" // "Father"

4.  Two Door Cinema Club - "Undercover Martyn" // "What You Want"

5. Gaslight Anthem - "Boomboxes and Dictionaries" // "We Came To Dance"

6. The Naked and Famous - "Punching In A Dream"

7. Wale // Fab - "Diced Pineapples" // "Diced Pineapples Remix"

8. Digitalism - "Pogo"

9. Rihanna - "You Da One" // "We Found Love" // "Diamonds"

10. Stars - "The Theory of Relativity" // "Elevator Love Letter"

11. Maps & Atlases - "Winter" // "Remote & Dark Years" // "Silver Self"

12. Blue Sky Black Death - "Days Are Years" // "Honestly" // "Tokyo Underground"

13. CCS - "Let's Make Love & Listen To Death From Above"

14. Memoryhouse - "To The Lighthouse" (remix)

15. Bensh - "Doubt" // "Sweet Repeater"

16. Sigur Ros - "Untitled 4" // "Olsen Olsen"

17. Suckers - "Black Sheep"

18. The Daylights - "I Hope This Gets To You"

19. Of Monsters and Men - "Little Talks"

20. Stateless - "Bloodstream"

Whatever-the-case, Merry New Year Folks!

*and quite possibly of my entire life
**also due to my beautiful discovery of a certain male counterpart. 
***mixtapes, back in my day.
****And for fuck's sake don't you get tired of replaying the same 6 albums? I don't care how good they are. Every album needs a break at SOME point!
*****Animal Collective, Cloud Nothings, Flying Lotus, The Antlers, How To Dress Well, etc, etc, ETC!!