I'd like to take this time to thank and point out all the stupid, inconsiderate fuck faces that ride public transportation. You make my days so much more interesting, you really do. With all the violent swearing, obnoxious phone conversations and just all around reeking of shit. You're a stereotype, quite common one too. Wake the fuck up & stop bothering everybody.
We're all trying to get onto the bus or train, what entitles you to rudely squeeze pass me for dibs on best seat? I swear the nerve of some people is astounding. I find it hard to believe how many godamn idiots there are walking around out there. Just living, breathing and festering our beautiful existance. It's such a waste of skin. I watch these little knucklehead kids run back and forth, through different doors on the train. Screaming, laughing, crying---you name it, and their cracked out parents just sit oblivious. Probably rolling hard.
Or that fucked up individual that won't give up his seat for an old or disabled person. Where do they all come from, seriously? I feel as if people like me are losing the battle against obnoxious, self-centered slags and prick holders. They're like a spreading disease and it sucks cause I have to adapt and live around this madness with people that have these piss poor attitude towards everything and every-fucking-one. Go fuck yourselves, dick faces.
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