As the mid-week blues blows in for it's weekly reminder that life's plan isn't playing out on the timely schedule I thought it would, I find myself becoming more and more impatient. Desperately wanting the distant future to be the near future. Not really knowing where to start or how to end the cancers of my life. The people, the parties, the bullshit.

I can't say my situation is necessarily plight, but more like a wind that's picking up and showing me I'm dedicated to kicking things into high gear. My work outs, my writing... My painting could use a little more inspiration but I'm sure once March rushes in with a warm breeze, the colors will flood the canvas and all will be well.
The balance of responsibilty and happiness. Maybe they CAN co-exist afterall. The Spring looks promising and my outlook, though at an indifferent lull, is pregnant with idea of elation.
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