It's strange how movies can affect your life isn't it? The way it can shift and dictate your emotions. I was watching "Easy Rider" last night for like the 20th time and upon it's ending I found myself badly wanting an escape. Just anything to break this brab repetition I call my life. My husband's usually miserable if not pissed about something. And I'm far too talented to not be doing something with myself, which in turn makes me stupid.
But enough about that mess, I was talking about "Easy Rider". Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson got me a-thinking, movies, influence you way too much. What if watching "Easy Rider" last night prompted me to empty my joint bank account, catch a three day train ride to California--never returning, therefore, ending my marriage and abandoning all responsibilities I have here in Philadelphia.
It's alright though, I watched "The Shawshank Redeption", this morning and suddenly didn't want to run away from it all anymore. I simply wanted to overcome all obstacles and fight for a better life. Seemed more honorable. Nobel, you know, it's more my style anyhow.
Which brings me back to my very, very long point. Movies can really shape you and your mood. I may very well be two "Jay & Silent Bob Strikes Back"'s away from high tailing it outta this joint.
Even if I were to focus on positive movies such as hopeless romantic ones I'd just be focusing on how my marriage isn't anything like that and how our love seems states away from movie love. Then again, show me a truly happy couple and I'll show you one of them that desires something else or something new. Maybe not, what the hell do I know? Not to worry! "High Fidelity" is here to save the day. The raw and on point reality of most relationships. It covers it all. The boredom, the disipating sex, the lies, the anymosity, the boredom. Ehh. The ending is pretty acurate, I suppose. The agonizing, dull realization that you're with a person who has the dirty underwear as John Cusak's character puts it. And that's okay. Therefore, making me okay.
It's a sick power that movies possess. Such an influence. It's borderline dangerous. I mean, if I watch "Dead Presidents" or "Point Break" too often I start thinking funny and getting ideas.
I guess the bottom line is that you can't depend on movies to get you through things. And you probably shouldn't let movies influence your life because if you tried to pull off the same shit they do in films, well... you wouldn't. They glorify the shit out of optimistic endings. Plus let's face it with your OR my luck, we simply wouldn't ride off into the sunset with that perfect stranger we run into by chance and happens to be available and attracted to you equally.
1 comment:
I know exactly how you feel. One time I tried stuffing my dad's car's gas tank with garbage and going back to 1984 and handing him a condom.
But it turns out none of that actually happened I was just huffing gas while watching a back to the future marathon.
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