And once again, as the night slowly drifts into dawn, I find myself up and unable to rest. Too many thoughts to keep track of or even attempt to put on paper. They say you find true enlightenment on nights like these. I agree.
As my fingers shiver across these keys, I contemplate making a cup of hot chocolate. The simple thought brings a smile to my lips. The taste, the warmth, its all an amazing part of winter.
It's funny how the death of summer makes everyone so introspective. I suppose it's due to the closing out of the year. And in the end of something, you tend to think about the beginning. You reflect and grow from your experiences. (Hopefully learning from them.)

where to spend your time and with whom. Going over all the possibilities and chances you'll have to make new memories. It's all very exciting. And then of course, your mind travels back to the past and to the other side of this year. If you can look back and smile with contention, then you did alright. And if not, you'll get a second chance--so don't go and fuck it up.
---and then the power went out---
That was the beginning of last nights article. So this entry is a two parter. Continuing on...
It's hard to pick up on the energy I had last night, seeing as how today was a huge lazy day for me. I bounced from room to room , simply lounging. Different chairs, couches, patterns and laying positions. Actually the only thing I successfully did today was my work out routine. That was the high point of my day. Well, with one exception.
---and then the power went out---
That was the beginning of last nights article. So this entry is a two parter. Continuing on...
It's hard to pick up on the energy I had last night, seeing as how today was a huge lazy day for me. I bounced from room to room , simply lounging. Different chairs, couches, patterns and laying positions. Actually the only thing I successfully did today was my work out routine. That was the high point of my day. Well, with one exception.
A call from an old friend forced me to skip my mid-morning cat nap and trade it in for conversation. Which I didn't mind one bit. It had already been weeks since we last spoke and I always have time in my life for people that mean the world to me.
Ugh, I can see where this entry is headed and I'm not feeling it really. So before I go off on some ramble about the most random things of my day, I'll just cut it short and return when my thoughts are fresh and connected.
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