Due to recent mojo shift I've experienced in the last two months, I haven't been able to put down the Maxim's, Cosmo's and everything else in between. I recently rented a Supersex pocket-sized book from a swell friend of mine. The text stays glued to my retnas' as I go about my everyday life. It's quite annoying, trying to work and not being able to focus because you're ear deep in a sexual daydream that's taking your whole body to imagine. So with that said, I hereby give you the best 'How-To Entry' from the second chapter entitled "Oh. My. God." ; (careful, it's a long one but goody)
Find the person whose mouth makes the right moves and join the line of those eager to lap up the attention. The opposite also applies: refuse to get up close and personal and don't be surprised if your dance card stays empty. Why? Oral sex is not just one of life's great pleasures--our attitude to it also speaks volumes about our attitude to sex in general. Open, uninhibited, sensuous lovers adore both giving and receiving oral sex. Prissy, uptight, and why-would-you-possibly-want-to-go-there are adjectives that apply to the rest. Eager to learn a few more tricks to add to your repertoire? You'll find a couple here. Your Grandmother probably told you the way to a lover's heart is through his stomach. Well, try heading south a bit. There are guides for both--but ladies first...
MOUTH TECHNIQUES FOR HER PLEASURE: Keep it covered. teasing- Get her to leave her panties on and start by licking through the fabric. (Yes, it helps if she's wearing satin or silk) Instead of removing them completely to finish the job, pull them to one side. This will transport her straight back to her first oral sex experiences (when she was young, trying hard to be good--and failing spectacularly)
Making Mouth Music. Separate the vaginal lips with your fingers, find her clitoris (a tiny marble, at the top end--the end near her tummy--covered with a hood of skin), and make gentle, slow, upward strokes around the clitoris, not on it. Use the flat of your tongue, not the tip.
Keep your tongue relaxed; it'll feel better for her, and you won't get so tired. Make slow circles around the circumference and combine this with an up-and-down, lapping motion. Let as much of your tongue make contact so you cover the largest area possible. Practice on your own palm and see which movements feel most efficient. If you see her clitoris shrinking or retracting back under the hood of skin, you're being too rough.
**Adding hands to caress the thighs and waist are always a plus.
All in all, it's been a lonely couple of nights and I highly anticipate the touch and warmth of hands that are far too kind to grace my skin.
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