Saturday, April 25, 2009

Cohorting 4 Four Weeks

Man has the wind picked up!

This wind has been blowing me all about. I've ended up in some strange places and come up with answers that I've normally not been able to come to on my own. Lots has happened. Lots has transpired situations into things that can't be forgotten. And... things that cant be taken back.

It's enough to make me give up and give in to a rhyme & reason that makes so much sense now, that it's a wonder why it took me so long to figure it out. Elation appears to be an understatement for me at this present point. I've discovered something that's been buried for
 some time. The vindication is deafening. And the truth is, I'm happy. 

Go figure.
 <----this picture is worth so many words to me. Especially at time like now. Words cannot convey. I'm incandescently aroused & overflown with elation.

This person... well, you know how I hate to jump the gun, but he might be the peas to my carrots.

But afterall, time tells the story that we cannot.

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