Friday, September 4, 2009

Autumn In Philly

The love affair you can have with a city is incredible. You memorize the skyline, the way the people & traffic make a soundtrack during your commute and how the wind blows constant amusing, (and sometimes agitating), possibilities your way. I make this city sound like a mystical place. 
All filled with wonder and awe. Yet it is. I mean, it's no Narnia, but it's yours & mine and I think it's oh so very fine.


Philadelphia in autumn is the most enchanting experience you'll have in the city. Like the first kiss you embrace after realizing you love someone. It's a rapid fall too. One moment the quirky shops have you wishing you had more money & the next--you're swooning over the historic and romanticism Old City or Rittenhouse has to offer. Not to mention how the color of the leaves bleed together. Red to orange, to yellow and a hint of lavender purple. It's wonderful.

There's a certain calmness that happens to Philly once autumn begins. A sense of contentment that flows through everyone. Maybe it's the fact that Christmas is around the corner. Maybe it's the warm colors that get the lighter side of people going. Maybe it's just my perception. Maybe it's a lot of things.

The ever alluring city of Philadelphia has captured my intrigue and enfolded my soul. Afterall, who couldn't be enraptured by one of the oldest cities in the country? That alone is enough to make you, at the least bit, curious. And upon researching & investigation comes the flooding of an obsession. Philly lives in you... me... and all around us.

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