Monday, April 11, 2011

"I Ran Up The 'Down' Escalators For You"

When my lips part for yours, and our eyes begin to shut. That's the moment I've been waiting for since the last time our mouths separated. Many moons and suns have rose and fallen since our eyes allowed themselves to lock and hold in a stare. A game of chicken between us two. Who will be victorious this time?

The steady gaze is intoxicating. Who needs tequila when you're around? Let's face it, I'm found out and I know it. Reluctant lips can't lie when my eyes are spilling the truth with every shutter of my lashes.

Slow motion through the crowd, following you out. Scared of the future, scared of the past. Scared of the inevitable and how long it'll last. Neither of us knows what it means or where it'll lead. Maybe right back to the beginning.

But without compliance, what do we really know?


Pride is such a buzz kill when it comes to the matters of the heart. And so are you.

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