Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy About 'Nothing'

I've spent one of the best weekends with myself! After such a busy week, filled with running around, finger numbing chores* and lack of sleep--taking time for me has never been so much fun. There were a few different factors in making such happiness possible.

Having no obligations is a wonderful feeling. I don't really enjoy timelines or appointments. I like to keep my own time and know that wherever I am, that's where I need to be. Even the fun things that I'm scheduled to do, there's something very.. Hmm, I dunno... almost anxious about "being on time" and the anticipation of waiting for it to begin or the anxiety of being late, and having missed something. Does that make sense to anyone else?


I'm laying on my bed, belly down, knees bent and feet fluttering in the air behind me. Frank Sinatra is echoing off of my bedroom walls. I just watched the sunrise on Memorial Day and I have a great feeling of satisfaction and contentment. I suppose doing nothing all weekend can do that to you. But it wasn't just ANY kind of 'nothing'! It was the "entire house to yourself, sing out loud, drink at 10 a.m., clear your mind, stay in & watch as many movies (without needing to negotiate what kind), masturbate in between every film, sleep if you feel the random urge, order take-away, pour yourself wine & cook yourself steak--all while smoking yourself into a happy oblivion" sort of nothing. And that's a pretty good nothing if you ask me.

*not in the good way

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