Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Enjoying The Pain Of A Memory

There are these moments in life that you look back on, and they never disappoint you by not making you smile. In that nostalgia you wish you could be there again. Smack dab in the middle of your memory. You wish you could feel it again. Be it again. You wish you hadn't lost whatever moment made your heart fly. You're also sad because it's gone. But it isn't lost. Just the simple fact that, that moment lives inside of you somewhere is proof enough that it isn't gone or lost.

Pictures make one of the best memories. It captures everything. The emotion, the surroundings, the smiles, tears or laughter. Some say the best sense of memory is smell. The amygdala is the olfactory bulb, (part of the brain), that connects scent to memory and also processes emotion. So smelling something can trigger a part of the brain that will transport you right back to that place and time in 2003. In my case, the smell of cucumber & melon teleports me to Barcelona, Spain, March of '06. Good year. Like a good wine. Quite funny because I buy my wine based on their years. :)

Either way.

I was just sitting here looking at the blank screen wondering what I should write about. As my mind did its own thing, I found myself back in the past. Reflecting.. and smiling. Coincedentally enough The Cure's "Pictures Of You" blared through my speakers and clicking away at the keys I did.

Random. Jibberish rubbish from yours truly.



wish i had great memories


see the sent of stale beer n seed always remind me of u especially whne u were cookin breakfast in kirbys old apartment rappin" dwyck" gangstarr nic n smooth man.. from there i knew i was gonna fall in love but now i still find that i love ya n it feels like u dont even havin a fuckin wink to think about me i was about to cvall ya i dunno read writings n im like man im bull shit... n apparently im not smart enough for u i just dont fuckin kno.. FUCCKK it all i kno is i know that i made u like the smell of curve n yeaa but hope ur doing well cause i feel like grabageeeee