Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Top 10 Gobble Films

There's no other way to kick this off; I'm a holiday lover! The type of person that begins spreading "holiday cheer" early. And by "holiday cheer" I mean, holiday music. And by 'early' I mean, right after Thanksgiving. Yeah, I'm one of those. So in height of the wonderful and glorious Thanksgiving holiday about to take place in two weeks, I've decided to post my top ten favorite Thanksgiving themed-esque films. Some are classics that you're familiar with and others, maybe not. This is in no particular order, but enjoy nonetheless.

1. Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)

2. Home For The Holidays (1995)
Jodie Foster's directorial debut, Robert Downey Jr & Claire Danes--who couldn't love it?
3. Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)
Steve Martin & John Candy, need I say more?
4. Hannah & Her Sisters (1986)
Woody Allen fans would have to applaud this Thanksgiving favorite.
5. The House Of Yes (1997)
If you like Parker Posey, you'll love this Sundance Film Festival smash hit.
6. The Ice Storm (1997)
This cast is chock full of stars, before they were stars, from Tobey Maguire to Sigourney Weaver & Joan Allen.
7. Pieces Of April (2003)
Katie Holmes is good in this quirky indie drama, it really shows how comical one family disaster can be on Thanksgiving.
8. Thanksgiving Day (1990)
Who doesn't like a film about a dysfunctional family that involves Mary Tyler Moore?
9. National Lampoon's Thanksgiving Family Reunion (2003)
Sometimes the typical holiday vacation, is no vacation at all.
10. Dutch (1991)
Always been a favorite of mine. Gotta love Ed O'Neill!

Whatever your family tradition is, I hope it's lovely and amazing. So here's to the dreaded fruit cake, filled tummies and echoing laughter from everyone at the doll house.

gobble, gobble.

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