Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Back To The Drawing Board

When love serves you lemons? Do you say fuck the lemons and bail??

My problem is, I love lemonade. Both bitter and sweet, and I can make each taste comfortably delicious, while numbing the throat and vocal chords. Also paralyzing the brain. This, of course, makes putting up with the love served lemons more tolerable and adds an extra --insert time frame here-- to your relationship. Sometimes the added time proves itself to be useful, but in unfortunate cases, it only proves to be dreadful, drawn out and asinine.

I haven't reached the point of conclusion, where I figure out which case my current situation is headed for. Objection and I move to strike! Even though I have quite a clue to which track I'm pulling up in, denial and defeat inevitably has stalled me for a hot second. I'm sure curiosity has a little to do with some things also. Mixed with various amounts of stupidity and denseness. But, so be it.

Afterall, I've already been through much, much worse.

stone hearts don't bleed

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Septa/Dick Connection

You can also view this very article on the other blog I write for Philly Neighbor. They're kickass!

I've never pretended to be mature. Okay, well maybe once or twice when it really "counted" but I've always been rather pleased with the fact that I haven't grown up fully. Farts still make me blush and giggle. 'That's what he/she said' STILL comes out of my mouth at least 3-5 times daily. None of that will ever change for me. And I wouldn't want it to.

I'd like to consider myself a 13 year old boy, if you will. Sexual innuendos constantly flooding my mind as if the New Orlean's levies were the force attempting to hold my inappropriate thoughts back. (But of course, inevitably failing.) I'm not sure what it is, but I can't ever escape the thoughts of random scenarios or sexual thought provoking curiosity. Maybe it's the artist in me, and for all intensive purposes--I'm going to go ahead and say that IS why...

So I'm on Septa, I people watch, I listen to snippets of conversations and give different people my own little stories about their lives. Normal basic stuff right? Possibly. One other thing my chaotic mind does is directly picture any person, (mainly women), holding onto a pole, to that being the shape their hand makes when they hold and/or stroke a dick. Reread the sentence & return. Strange right?

I find it pretty funny. Next time you're on a bus or the el train, take a gander for yourself. It's quite entertaining. There's no other way to fully understand my immature antics unless you yourself have a healthy immature way of thinking. Mixed in with some seedy sexual deviance also. Gotta throw that in there. Or else, you'd never get to the cock-holding/pole grabbing concept, I myself have arrived at.
All I'm asking is for you to give it a looksy. That's all I'm saying. It's completely identical! I've even tested this theory on myself. Held a pole for safety, as to not bounce around all over the place, and thought, "Yep--that's what my hand looks like when I'm holding a tallywhacker." ::smirks::
Even for whatever stupid, grown-up reason, you can't relate to the pole/dick connection, just you thinking of this article while on Septa makes me the winner... and I guess a little pervy.

So there, a brief visit inside the mind of an overgrown child with an over active sexual appetite to match. But sometimes.. I'm just bored. Who can control where their mind goes??

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Land O'Confusion

"If confusion is the first step to knowledge, I must be a genius"
--larry leissner

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Top 10 Gobble Films

There's no other way to kick this off; I'm a holiday lover! The type of person that begins spreading "holiday cheer" early. And by "holiday cheer" I mean, holiday music. And by 'early' I mean, right after Thanksgiving. Yeah, I'm one of those. So in height of the wonderful and glorious Thanksgiving holiday about to take place in two weeks, I've decided to post my top ten favorite Thanksgiving themed-esque films. Some are classics that you're familiar with and others, maybe not. This is in no particular order, but enjoy nonetheless.

1. Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)

2. Home For The Holidays (1995)
Jodie Foster's directorial debut, Robert Downey Jr & Claire Danes--who couldn't love it?
3. Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)
Steve Martin & John Candy, need I say more?
4. Hannah & Her Sisters (1986)
Woody Allen fans would have to applaud this Thanksgiving favorite.
5. The House Of Yes (1997)
If you like Parker Posey, you'll love this Sundance Film Festival smash hit.
6. The Ice Storm (1997)
This cast is chock full of stars, before they were stars, from Tobey Maguire to Sigourney Weaver & Joan Allen.
7. Pieces Of April (2003)
Katie Holmes is good in this quirky indie drama, it really shows how comical one family disaster can be on Thanksgiving.
8. Thanksgiving Day (1990)
Who doesn't like a film about a dysfunctional family that involves Mary Tyler Moore?
9. National Lampoon's Thanksgiving Family Reunion (2003)
Sometimes the typical holiday vacation, is no vacation at all.
10. Dutch (1991)
Always been a favorite of mine. Gotta love Ed O'Neill!

Whatever your family tradition is, I hope it's lovely and amazing. So here's to the dreaded fruit cake, filled tummies and echoing laughter from everyone at the doll house.

gobble, gobble.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


These are some of my favorite lost, or found, photos from Found.com. Go there and explore, maybe even find some favorite pictures of your own.