Monday, January 28, 2013

I'm The Green Pea

Not one single gram of fuck shall be given today.
I can't really pin point what's going on with me today. Maybe it's the snow or how incredibly grey it is outside. Maybe it's just Monday. Maybe it's my anxious loins screaming to be unleashed. Or just a heavy case of the "fuck its" in general.

There's something about waiting or being in limbo that simply drives me nuts. Just wishing things could begin already. I'd like to consider myself a pretty patient person, but with nine toes out the door already,  I'm finding it rather difficult to hang on to my attention span with simple projects. Or anything for that matter. I've been more and more content with being left alone, often preferring it.

Sexually speaking, I feel like I could crush an 8-ball with my vagina. It's been a rather frustrating winter, with the person I love so many miles away, it's difficult pleasing the other the way we both would like. But soon that'll all change! And my green indifferent ways will become perky and yellow like a fully happy person should be*.

Just running a little thin currently is all.

*Metaphorically speaking, that is. 

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